Home Staging and Styling Club:
The decorating style of your home is what you’ve made it. And wasn’t that fun to do? When you Join The Club, we work together - first with your plan and then with my plan. We merge them together and come up with something totally unique for your home.
You’ll learn to take pictures, use your imagination and integrate your ideas into actuality. As events progress you can change things around and see what works better. When we have a great idea we can share with the others in the club and see if we can create an even better result. It’ll be an education that’s much more fun, than any other job you’ve ever had. |
You’ll be anxious to wake up every morning and see what else you can do, not only for yourself, but also for the club. So, let's have some fun together by Joining the Club. As your Club mentor, I know what is hidden and needs to come out to make a wow statement. Maybe it's a piece of furniture that needs to be turned around or just using the right accessory or simply sprucing up a bit. Whatever it is, I'll guide you through a series of wonderful Lessons that can teach you the basics in Staging, Styling and Design in a fun and easy to understand way. It’s your Club at your pace, with real answers to your questions, and it’s all fun filled as you share with other club members. So, Join Now! |
So, if your goal is to redesign that guest room or change the look of the family room or maybe even prepare your home for SALE, I can help you to achieve your goals. If you can't join our club because you're serious about selling your home and want to do it yourself, my other website, Stageitstyled will help you. There you'll find some tools to give you confidence you'll need to tackle your own projects. But as always, we'll be there for you if you get stuck with our staging packages. Remember that this information is just that, information. Information is like a blueprint to guide your way. That coupled with your improvisation and imagination can greatly help your decorating schemes. All in all, I think we can have fun together in our Home Staging and Styling journey whether it is directly with our Club or through my other website. If your not in the Club and you get stuck, you can email me pictures of the problem area. We can have a couple of nice chats and for a reasonable charge, we'll get you through. No matter where you live, if you have a camera, email and a phone that’s all you need to add the professional touch. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Start thinking about what you want to change in your home. As you do, the creative juices will start to flow and of course, we can make something wonderful happen together. |